William is a classically trained (GSA) stage and screen actor. He pursued the craft of acting from an early age winning the Preparatory school Acting cup for his performance as Henry VIII. A two year Foundation course in Theatre Studies followed during which he played his first major Shakespeare role as Prospero in the Tempest. William then gained entry to the Guildford school of Acting (GSA) for three years of intensive actor training. In 1995 he then joined the Chichester Festival Theatre Company (having been auditioned by Sir Derek Jacobi).

".. I have just watched your tape and it's very good indeed; I wish you every success. You look great on a horse and impressive in the gym and I particularly enjoyed the Austen extract .."

Sir Derek Jacobi

"If Colin Firth put the danger into Darcy, William Mickleburgh dug out the desperation of the anti-hero's unrequited passions to convincing effect."

'Darcy's Dilemma' - review.

Will Mickleburgh skillfully manages to lead us into the complex character of Willy's elder Son, 'Biff' (Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller

(reviewer: Bath Evening Chronicle).

The Scotsman: "Mickleburgh handles Austen's English skilfully and gives a heartfelt portrayal of a man torn between his notions of social status and the wishes of his heart.I'm not sure how much any of this would mean to people not familiar with Jane Austen's text, or at least with the film or TV versions of it. But Jane Austen fans will enjoy hearing her words spoken so well."

William is Artistic Director of The North See Theatre company.

Classical recordings

'Bastard' from Shakespeare's 'King John'.

'Jaffier' from Thomas Otway's 'Venice Preserv'd'

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